Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Head Hunger is a Battle of Epic Proportions"

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delay. I spend almost every waking minute on my computer, but not for blogging purposes. I'm sure you are all so depressed ;)

The weightloss thing has been going okay. At the end of last week, I had lost about five pounds. Yay! Not for long though. Tim got his wisdom teeth out last week, so he's been off of the exercise wagon for a week, and I have no motivation without him (Sad, I know),so we've both fallen off. As a result we've eaten terrible foods and, while he's maintained his twenty pounds of loss, I've gained all five pounds back plus .3 pounds. Greeeaaat! Oh, well! I have a plan!

Tim's brother's girlfriend, Danielle a.k.a "my sister in-law...ish", and I are pretty much obsessing over our Disney trip next year. No, it has barely been spoken about, but yes, we have every detail planned down to the day, but not the minute 'cause that's just crazy talk. We have itineraries and menus and crazy stuff that only travel agents should make. Oh well, we love it and it makes the days go by!

ANYWAY , how does my weightloss plan work into this? Well, she and I both want to lose weight before Disney. She and I practically switched weights since we first met. She weighs as much as I did... aka she lost 40 pounds, and I, well, I weigh more than she did having gained more than 50 pounds, but whatever. We both want to lose weight, so how better to do it than together? Now, she lives in Wilmington, so physically doing it together is next to impossible. We are, however, going to do the same plan and keep each other accountable. We obsessed over creating a private website together where we could post our weights, pictures, thoughts, recipes, and whatnot so that she and I could see each other's progress or lack thereof. We're pretty stoked about it. We're calling it "Operation Disney Drop-It". Catchy, we know :-D Anyway, our plan is to do the C25k, or Couch to 5k, thing which is running/walking three days a week. That's the minimum requirement. I'm also going to go to the gym to tone-up a little! Yay! I'm always looking for a workout buddy, so if there are any takers!Well, that's that.

So what have I been doing with my post-graduate life? Nothing, and I hate it. I have been searching for a job non-stop. When you hear on the news that the economy is terrible and there are no jobs out there, it's basically true. There are jobs out there, but few that are entry-level for students who can't obtain their career goals yet since they haven't been to grad school. I've sent resumes to so many places, but to no avail. I'm really hoping for something soon. If anyone knows of anything - please, please pleaseeeeee let me know:) I'd be most appreciative.

The only other exciting thing is that we're moving to a new apartment at the end of July/beginning of August. I'm super pumped! I'll be my first adult apartment and I couldn't be more excited! I'm looking for some awesome DIY stuff, so feel free to post back with any ideas. I'm really into retro stuff. I love BIG flowers and BIG bows (notice my background on here). That kind of thing. I also ADORE color.

Well -- I think that's everything in a nutshell!! There is some exciting stuff coming up... like.. I'm going to a complete nerd convention called Dragon*Con, similar to ComicCon, in September. Totally NOT my scene, but it's going to be the experience of a lifetime! I'm going with some friends of mine that said I should go. It's in Atlanta so I get to see the Aquarium and the History of Coke museum. Yes, I'm more pumped about those than the convention itself. But hey -- I like Star Wars and Mythbusters... so maybe it won't be so bad! ;)

Well -- fo' realz. I'm hitting the sack. I'm tired of sending in applications. Please keep me in your prayers. I really need a job. Reaaaallllly bad.


Farewell, my friends!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 1!

Well -- this week was good and bad. I did really well on eating, uuuuntil this weekend.

First -- the good. I went to the grocery store and bought food for the apartment. I bought ingredients for easy recipes that I could either make individual servings of, or recipes that would hold up for a day or two so that I would have food:) I only bought fruit and these cinnamon-apple Quakes things that were AMAZING (and surprisingly healthy!! I didn't know it before I got them!) I did super well! I only drank water and milk(except for once when I forgot and got a diet coke at a restaurant). I am having a tough part with the milk part. I used to love drinking it, but it is super hard right now.. not sure why! I also bought a cookbook that has super delicious/healthy food that is easy to make. I make a chicken recipe out of it which was okay. Tim loved it -- I would eat it again, but change some things about it. I also found a chocolate chip cookie recipe that was AMAZING. It took less than five minutes to make them and then throw them in the oven. They were DELICIOUS. Possibly the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had, and they were healthy!

Well -- now the bad. As we all know, the weekends are usually the hardest to stay dedicated. Had I stayed home I would have been fine, but I went to Wilmington with Tim for his sister-in-law "ish"'s graduation. Well, that means cookouts, dinners, yatta yah. I did my best. I didn't go overboard, but I also didn't do as well as I should have. I couldn't say no to strawberry shortcake -- or to two yeast rolls instead of one. Dang cookouts! That's my favorite kind of food -- so of course it would be the hardest to say "No way, Jose!" to. Oh well -- c'est la vi.

Well -- in all, I've lost .5lb! Woooo! Exciting. Tim's parents proposed a little friendly competition. We're going to see who can lose the most weight in TWO WEEKS. Soo-- here we go!! There really isn't a prize -- just bragging rights I suppose.

Well -- that's that!! Any recipe suggestions from anyone?

Thanks for the tips Puebar!!

Back to cleaning!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Challenges

Hello Folks!

Long time no talk. I have to say that Senior year was a lot crazier than I ever could have guessed.

In a nutshell, I was crazy busy planning an event called Class Day at Meredith, as well as busy finishing classes, my thesis, and getting things ready for Graduation.

I MADE IT out alive. I graduated and am now a gradumated adult. Who knows what will happen from here. I'm holding out for a year before I go to graduate school. I'm anticipating that will be married before the end of school, so I may as well take a year to enjoy being me for a bit before having to sacrifice all of my free time to family, as much as I am looking forward to it.

So what am I going to do for the next year? Well, I'm on a mission to become healthier! Yes, that's right. I've gained a ridiculous amount of weight in the last year and a half. I'm not really sure why or how, but I did -- about 60 pounds to be exact. I'm miserable because of it. So -- now that I have such ample free time, I'm going to prove to myself that I can lose weight!! Yess!!

Most of you are health/work-out nuts, so I want your advice, support, and suggestions! I'll keep you posted on my progress or lack there of. I joined weightwatchers too, so that should help me see my progress even if my body doesn't.

I'm going to do the whole "goal jeans" thing, only with a twist. There are some dresses that I want to buy, but they don't come in my size. So -- i'm going to by one of them two or three sizes down, and that way it will be a step toward the right direction. Once I reach that point -- I'll shoot for something different.

So -- any moms or health nuts that have suggestions for easy, healthy, quick, or healthy comfort foodish type meals, please feel free to share your secrets.

I don't really eat unhealthy to begin with. I think a big part of my weight-gain was the hours I ate (no breakfast, late lunch, super late dinner) as well as a bad sleeping schedule. That and my random workout schedule (some weeks I'd go four times a week and others not at all). Anyone with suggestions on how to stay dedicated to working out -- I could use those too!!

I really want this to work out. Without hiring a personal trainer (which I cannot afford) this is going to be very difficult! I don't have a car either -- so most of the time I'll only have access to my neighborhood or house. I am a member of a gym, and I go there on the nights that I do not work.

So that's that!!

In other news. I need a job -- I'd really love something administrative. Let me know if you know of anything!!

Well, I'm off to clean the apartment.

See you later folks!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wow, I'm awesome.

So much for keeping y'all updated! I did so well there for a while.... then life took over.

It's been crazy busy the past few weeks. School is constantly tugging one end of my rope and work is pulling the other. When I'm not doing school work, practicing for Cornhuskin', or running around to meetings, I am probably either babysitting, running errands, or working. That's all my life will continue to consist of until November 5th. After that... well.... then it's GRE studying and then Grad School Apps. Woop.

The fun? I've gone to ALMOST all of the football games! In fact, the only ones I haven't gone to are the ones that State lost. Coincidence? I'd like to think so. I had the White Iris Ball last Friday -- and that was lots of fun. My friends and I made dinner and then got ready at Tim's apartment before heading to the dance. I've really taken a liking to Golf, so Tim and I have been playing a lot recently. I haven't made it to a full golf course yet, but.. one day!

Other than that, there's nothing really going on in my life. I wish I could say there was!!! I can't believe this semester is just about a month from being over. How does this happen?! Only one semester left?! Holy cow!!!!

Well - I'll try to get better at posting.. no promises!!! I will leave you with some pictures though!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So you had a bad day ....

Well, now that Blogger is finally letting me on, I can post!

My life consists of three things: Babysitting, School, and Meetings. Last week was pretty ridiculous. I thought that I was going to explode before the end of the week. I'll try not to dwell on the bad things, but here is how my last two weeks have been.

Babysitting has been fun. I've been babysitting for the same family for about 4 months now. I love them. They are so cute and so funny. Here is a picture of the little girl, Molly, in her makeshift cheerleading outfit and a picture of some of my lack of creativity drawings we do together:

Last week was one of those weeks where I was up at 6:30 a.m every morning and was running around doing one of the about list things and didn't get home until around 10 or 11 most nights. It was ridiculous. To top things off I got my first ticket trying to run around and get to different places. In my defense, I didn't realize I was in a school zone so I was going 47 thinking it was 45. No fair. But, life is life. Since it's my first ticket it should get reduced..... I hope.

In the past week I've learned to golf! Yes! I never thought I'd want to or be good at it, but it is actually a lot of fun and a really great release. I would recommend it to anyone. Here are some pictures!!

Well, on Friday, things started to get better... mostly because I was able to breathe. The first State game was this weekend, and I got to go! Yayyyy! It was an awesome game. More pictures :) The one of the scoreboard is when there was a glitch -- it kept scrolling through from 99 to 0 -- so it would say 99-7...98-7...97-7... etc. So that was just when I finally got the picture. The actual final score was 48-7. Yayyy!

Well, I finished out labor day weekend at Tim's parents' house. It was a lot of fun. We went to Carolina Beach's Boardwalk to get some Britt's donuts (yummmm). Here is a picture of Baby Asher eating them --

Well -- that's my life. It's on the up-and-up. I have to take the Psychology Exit Exam this weekend. I have to pass it to graduate... we'll see how it goes!! Wish me luck... keep my in your prayers. I'm really nervous!!

I'm outta here folks!! I'll post again soon :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tip of the iceberg...

Well, week one and I'm already about to go insane. My day starts at 6:30am and ends around 11:30 everyday. It wouldn't be so bad if I had a break in between all the chaos, but my day is "Go!GO!GOOO!" For instance, my schedule for today was:

6:30 -- Wake up
7:00 -- Drop Tim off at Work
7:30 -- Gym
9:00 -- Babysit
12:00 - Class
1:00 -- Meeting
2:00 -- 30 minutes to grab clothes from apartment
2:45 -- Babysit
4:15 -- Drop Laura off
4:30 -- Pick Tim up
5:00 -- Grocery Store
6:00 -- Work
11:00 - Get home
11:45 - start homework

Yep -- that's what my day looked like. This is what just about everyday looks like for me. Ahhhhhh.

My classes are pretty great. I missed one this week. Yep. Already. Here's the story. So. I am I taking a class at State this semester. Partly for the football tickets and partly because I wanted to take some extra Psych classes that aren't offered at Meredith. Well, I've never had to drive over there during the day. I thought leaving half an hour early would mean getting there 15 mins early. Well, I was VERY wrong. Two minutes after leaving the house (9:52), I turned onto Western (Street right in front of state) just in time to catch an accident that would put me at the parking deck right when class was starting (10:15). Well, the parking deck was full, so I had to wait in line for another 15 minutes just to get a ticket into the parking deck (now 10:30). I proceeded to drive around the parking deck trying to find a spot. Mind you, my gas tank was on E from the time I left the apartment. Well, after driving around the parking deck for another 15 minutes (now 10:45) I decided to give up. I asked the parking attendant to let me out without paying since I didn't park (she gave it to me, feeling bad). I pulled over, emailed my professor expressing my sincere apologies, and left to get gas. The class ended at 11:20, so, in my head, I would have spent another 10 minutes trying to park and then it takes another 5 just to get to class. So I would have gotten to class around 11:05. Pointless, right? I met with him the next day, and he was already joking about it -- so at least he's got a sense of humor!

Mini Blurb: I went to the eye doctor the other day and found out I've had an infection in my eye for more than a month! How did I not know?!?!?! I went to get a new contact prescription and came out with an antibiotic prescription! Whaaaaaat?!

Well, other than the chaotic schedule, I'm doing great! Haha. Other than tonight, I've been going to sleep around 11pm, which is great. I've been going to the gym, also great. Now if that would just translate into weightloss, I'd be set!

Well folks. Sorry for the Debby Downer post, but, hey, I said I'd keep you posted with all things good and bad!! :)


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why not me, why not now?

Hey folks!

Well, I had pictures, but my phone decided to eat the SD card so now it won't work -- yay.

So, this week has been quite ridiculous. While it has been a blast, this week was spent preparing the school for the incoming freshmen, transfer students, etc. It's a lot of hard work, but also fun. We spent the week making posters, banners, making props, running around campus finding supplies, and getting to know other students. It was on my college bucket list to be on the Orientation Crew. When I moved in, there were girls right at the front of the school cheering their brains out when I arrived -- I knew I wanted to do it too. I wasn't able to do it in the past because of other obligations, but I finally got to do it this year and it was amazing!

The biggest day of the week is Saturday when the freshmen move in. The O.C. meet at school at 5:30 to make a balloon rainbow: here is the one from my freshman year...

After we do this, we meet in the circle to cheer for the freshmen as they pull through the front gates and truly enter as a student. It was a great time to cheer with my fellow seniors. It is crazy to think that this is my last year. It is gradually sinking in.

Well, this week begins the home stretch. August 18 is the first day of the last year! Woo!!!